Transform the experience of chronic conditions, specifically thyroid disease and adrenal fatigue, with Full Potential Living®, an entirely new experience in personalized, holistic health.
Feel Well, Live Well with Full Potential Living®.

Robin Arutt, M.Ed., CH, HC is a Certified Herbalist and Holistic Health Coach who started her journey in learning holistic health modalities in the early 90’s. She is also an artist, a dog lover, a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer (trained in person with Mike Dooley), and a Global Educator in the fields of Endocrine Health, Lifelong Wellness, and transforming the experience of chronic conditions through holistic health, personal expression, creativity, and good old fashioned fun. Before healing herself of a five year illness and dedicating herself to changing the landscape of health care, she was a leader in the education, training and professional development world. She is the founder of Full Potential Living® and HappyHealthyThyroid.com, which serve to support clients around the world to optimize their health, specifically thyroid related issues. Robin practices a unique approach that combines clinical education and functional nutrition with mind/body healing and creative expression. Out of a love for the field of health coaching and a passionate belief that coaches can and will change the world, Robin has brought her years of experience in business and professional development to support the success of other coaches, serving as a mentor, trainer, and personal guide to their success. Her foundations course, Mastering Thyroid Imbalance for Health Coaches, has prepared hundreds of coaches in nine countries and counting to practice the art, science, spirit and joy of thyroid coaching. She has since walked new coaches through the steps of launching their own unique coaching businesses. Robin has been a speaker and featured expert in a variety of venues and media outlets, including Thyroid Nation. Learn more at fplhealth.com and happyhealthythyroid.com.